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City of Gardena expands stage 2 recovery plan

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The end of May met with LA County and the city of Gardena expanding on what businesses and venues can reopen. A new normal of limited occupancies and strict adherence to social distancing regulations is emerging for these reopening businesses.

Health procedures like keeping a distance of at six feet from other people and wearing a face mask is still required.

As of May 27:

Malls and shopping centers did open up for curbside pick-up and limited in-store customers at maximum 50% of maximum occupancy. Food courts, dining areas, and dine-in restaurants have also opened.

Drive-in movie theaters may open with face coverings required while vehicle windows are down, in a convertible and while making transactions.

Outdoor museums and galleries may open with physical distancing and infection control protocols in place. Groups are limited to household members only as tours that combine individuals from different families are discontinued. A distance of at least six feet between visitors and staff must be maintained by instituting markers and timed entrance tickets. All outdoor restaurants are limited to take-out only.

Car washes have also opened along with indoor and outdoor flea markets and swap meets.

Churches can resume in-person religious services and cultural ceremonies at no more than 25% maximum occupancy or 100 individuals, whichever number is lower. The total number of people allowed within a church reflects all participants, celebrants, staff, organizers, and visitors. In-person singing is prohibited during services and celebrations except where singers can be placed at least six feet from each other and other attendees

As of May 29:

Hair salons and barbershops can open with physical distancing and infection control protocols in place. Barriers like plexiglass must be used at reception desks or other areas where physical distancing is not possible and walk-in appointments are prohibited.

Dine-in services for restaurants may open at 60% maximum occupancy and with proper physical distancing and infection control protocols in place. All diners are required to wear face coverings while not eating. Reservations are encouraged and patrons must wait to be seated outside or in their cars to prevent gatherings. Bar areas also must remain closed.

Pools, hot tubs and saunas that are in multiunit residence or part of a Homeowners Association may open with physical distancing and infection control procedures in place.

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